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Friday, June 8, 2012

Well, you must be wondering whether this blog is still alive or not. Heh! The answer is: Partially.
Lol! I do update my blog but only when i'm free. As ya'll know, i'm busy with my studies and i barely have time to even online with my laptop. ><
Here's a lil' story of my life for the past few months...........
I've never thought of falling in love with any guy after "J" but looks like i've gotta admit that i have a new crush or can i consider it as LOVE ? Actually, I didn't even notice his existence in my school until one point whereby i went for a school trip to Cameron Highland last year (December). He was all alone most of the times (in Cameron). He walked everywhere all by himself, alone... There goes my feelings towards him. Practically, i like him not because he's good looking or whatsoever. Perhaps, i like his attitude. His attitude attracts my attention every single time. I feel like protecting him. I just don't know why. :O
But too bad, whenever i have feelings for any guy, they wouldn't have any feelings towards me. And recently, a few months back, i got to know about him and his ex. I think they got back together...So yeah, I will NEVER want to disturb or interfere in other people's relationship. I'll just back off and pray for his happiness. Well, i believe in the saying, "what is yours is yours, what is not yours is not yours". Therefore, i don't want to run after things that is not mine. I'll wait patiently for the right one to come. :')
I always ponder, "why do the guy that I'm not keen into will like me where as the guy that i like won't have any feelings towards me?"  =="
I really hate it when guys say 'I LOVE YOU' when they don't even know you well and especially when they don't mean it ! You say 'i love you' to me and you say the same thing to another girl... Like really WTH?!
I'm not jealous or anything, i feel annoyed. That's all. It clearly shows that you're a playboy. Do you know that? You're setting a bad impression on yourself indirectly. Hahah! So yeah, you don't have to pretend liking me or telling me how much you love me and how much you miss me cause i'll never believe your words. Sorry to be harsh but that's the truth !

I guess, that's all for now. I've gotta get back to work. Will update my blog again when I'm free. Take care, readers ! :)

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