Sunday, January 2, 2011
ByeBye! :(
I'm gonna be away for 3 months until 13March 2011 cause I'll be going for NS at Balik Pulau, Penang. I'll miss everyone around me including my friends and family. Even though i'm a lil' nervous & scared to attend NS, I'm still glad that I've been chosen for this camp. I hope that I'll have fun over there. Dear viewers, I hope that you all could pray for me so that nothing bad happen to me during the camping period and pray too so that I don't faint over there as I'm having high blood pressure. Thank you! I'll miss all of you! Take care! :)
Blogged @ 6:15 PM |

Saturday, January 1, 2011
>> Describe me in three words at:
>>Ask if only you think it's right for you to ask :)
Blogged @ 10:58 PM |