Thursday, January 28, 2010
The story about day before yesterday, after school..
After school at around 1.55pm:-
Busy talking with Dhaar..Then out of a sudden, a lady came to me and say 'excuse me..i'm a newspaper reporter from ....................and i want to ask you a few questions'...
I was like OWHHH SHITTT! I'm like so blur at that time when she approached me..
After that she started to ask me about 'something' la..(don't want to tell it out here)..LOL..
and then, a guy which is the lady's working partner, came and took a few shots of me in my school uniform.. =.="
most of them walk aside after seeing the man holding a big camera in front of me.. =.=" again..pity me la..i just only came out form the school gate then kena tahan already..kena tahan as in the reporter stop me and ask me a few questions la..she told me that da news will appear in the newspaper very soon (but i don't know when la)..*sigh*
so embarrasing leh.. T____________T
Blogged @ 7:18 AM |

Sunday, January 10, 2010
I'm missing SOMEONE so freaking badly!!
What is wrong with myself?
Gaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! :-(
Blogged @ 4:23 AM |