Sunday, November 29, 2009
During this November school holidays, I spent most of my time sleeping, watching tv and reading a book that I’ve borrowed from my friend entitled
‘Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul- The Real Deal’..
I managed to read up the whole book and I find that those stories in the book were very interesting as all the writer share with us how things go in life..mainly about our daily life among our friends, family and so on..
In one of the chapters in the book, I really acknowledge what the writer wrote..the writer wrote this:
‘…….in life things don’t always go your way….’
‘…….i learned to stop worrying about what other people thought about me….’
‘…….who cares what others think of you? Just do what you want to do and believe in yourself, because you can get farther in life if you depend on yourself.’I can’t deny that during this past few weeks, I was damn worried about something and I was also worried about what other people would think about me because of what that fella said to the others..and suddenly those meaningful words which I’ve written above, appeared to me when im reading this book..i think God was trying to communicate with me at that time..because I was seriously feeling down at that moment and I really don’t know what I should do..
I’ve also ordered a booklet in titled
‘Our Daily Bread’ where most Christians have it nowadays..and I read it everyday according to the current date..i would like to share with you guys what I’ve read on the 28th of November..
‘The Proverbs have a lot to say about gossip: Those who gossip are untrustworthy (11:13) and should be avoided (20:19). Gossip separates the closest of friends (16:28) and keeps relational strife boiling (18:8). It pours fuel on the coals of conflict, feeding the flames of hurt and misunderstanding (26:21-22)’..
Yeah, those words are very true indeed! To those of you out there reading my blog now, here’s some advise that I want to share with you guys..
if you don’t want people to gossip about you, please don’t gossip about others..
Don’t try to be like other people when you’re NOT! Just be YOUSELF!3)
Believe in youself and be confident in all that you do..And
FAITH in GOD and yourself!!!
This is a battle….if you don’t want to lose, then
Thursday, November 19, 2009
17th November 2009 (Tuesday)Who’s birthday is it ah?
Say it loud, say it loud!
Yeah, you’re totally right, babe!
it’s my birthday.. hehe..=D
SWEET SIXTEEN la katakan.. =.=”
for me it’s actually
Im feeling as if im so old already la..aiyo! =/
Anyway, on this amazing day of mine, I went to school as usual..and I got my 1st hugged from
Joey (sister!) on my birthday.. =]
Love her so much le
(im not lying, it’s from the bottom of my heart) .. :-*
for your info, she’s one of my best-est friend.. =) she’ll always be by my side through thick and thin..thanks a lot yah, sis! ^^
nothing much happen in school cause we’re all busy chit-chatting and playing games among ourselves..hehe.. =P
after school, I went to Parade to celebrate my birthday with my close buddies
(Mary, Balbita, Joey, Michelle, Menuka, Stella, Christina)..not really celebrate actually..cause we go makan and
‘hang kai’ jek..we went to Kopitiam Junction and had our lunch there..after eating, we went walking in all kinds of shops..
(Map, Sky Max and bla bla bla)..i went home around 4.40pm..
i got so exausted and fell asleep after bathing..LOL.. xD
after waking up from my marvelous sleep, I went online.. =D
and yeah, I’ve actually counted how many birthday wishes I’ve got..and I got 54 birthday wishes all are their names:
1) Jia Joe
Jean (big sis!haha..) xD
3) Anith
4) Vincent
Michelle Sherin Ng (mammi!!) =D
Mary Ann Alphonce (another mammi..hehe) ^^
7) Theresa Lai
Balbita (love her!!!!) =]
10) Maslaily
11) Kak Siti (my elder godsis)
Heart you!) :-*
13) Dhaarsheny
14) Janice
15) Kiranjit
16) Reshween
17) Valerie
18) Huey Xian
19) Senandra
20) Zalila
21) James
22) Eddie (my gor) =D
Kuna (my beloved godsis) ^^
24) Puan Yus (class teacher) =]
25) Miss Loo (add maths teacher- last time) =>
26) Michelle Maxellendis Marie Monteiro a.k.a. Monty
27) Stella
28) Nicholas
29) Youdikha Joseph
30) Izni
31) Fareesha
32) Juen Lin
Brandon (my didi) =]
34) Vivian Cheah
35) Cutielish Jas
36) Kah Poh
37) Kartini
38) Theresa Loo Hun Fern
Mary Ann Lim
40) Christina Chim
41) Raeymie Mokhtar
42) Jazmine Khairul Anuar
43) Melenie
44) Vania Evam
45) Adrian Lau
46) Yean Yean
47) Puvilan
Sue May (irene) ^^
50) Arnold
51) Prisha
52) Mei Yan
53) Adrian Chan
54) Anisah
Thanks to those who wished me and thanks for all the presents that you all gave me..
I really love all the present that you all gave me..really appreciate it..
Thanks once again!~ =)

P/S: to those who's
'too smart' to
THINK that i'm desperate for presents, please just
SHUT UP and don't simply say stuff which is
the truth is, im
NOT DESPERATE at all for any gifts from anyone..i friend with you guys not because i want presents from you guys, cause all that matters to me is
Sunday, November 8, 2009
First and foremost, i would like to wish my BEST FRIEND, Menuka a very
Wheeeeeee!~ Actually i knew that she doesn't like pink and blue colour so i purposely bold the letters with those colours on it..kekeke.. =P i went to Jusco today at around 12pm..Menu was suppose to meet me in Jusco at 12.15pm but see see she reached at 12.30pm..Jahat punya Menu, make me walk alone in Jusco..if people kidnap me then how? la, just kidding..who wanna kidnap me anyway..LOL.. xD actually Joey and Sue May reached first geh..but im not sure what time they reached la..cause when i was busy walking, Joey suddenly messaged me and tell me that she's in the food court i go and find her la..then, came Maslaily and Menu..Menu reached kinda late cause she SESAT jalan! la.. xD *evil laugh* i told her that we are in the food court but she go and stand OUTSIDE the food court..mangkuk la she! LOL.. xD before that, she called me and ask me where am i and the best part is, she asked me 'naik one escalator only right?'..LOL..what kind of question is that?lol..Menu oh Menu..apa la lu..kakaka.. =P after that, me, Menu and Mas went to a cake shop (don't remember the cake shop's name) cause Menu wanted to buy a cake for her birthday..the cake was so delicious i tell you..YUMMY YUMMY!!!!! =D we ate in Pizza Hut and thanks a lot, Menu for belanja-ing us.. xD after makan we go walk walk..then we went to Capcom..we took some nice pictures there..
nice leh all those pictures? you know why it's nice? cause im in the picture la..too perasan liao..just kidding ya..kekeke.. xD by the way, we were suppose to watch the movie in titled 'PISAU CUKUR' but then no ticket liao cause we wanted to watch at 4pm de..haizzzzzz.... T__________T we went back home around tired leh cause i woke up at 8am in the morning and i don't have the chance to sleep in the afternoon.. T_______T eventhough i felt tired, i really really ENJOYED myself on this day.. =D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you once again! ^^
Saturday, November 7, 2009
KNAVES!What's wrong with guys nowadays?
Isit because of their immatured thinking or what?
They seem to trust the person who's lying most of the time just to get attention.. not joking..
and i don't understand, why must people blame others for the mistakes that they themselves did? why can't they just admit their own mistakes?
don't la go and blame others and pollute people's name in front of other people..
if let's say your close friend did the same thing to you by blamming you and pollute your name in front of other people, what would you feel?
you'll feel sad, angry and betrayed rite?
the same goes here..
can't you just be considerate a lil' ah?
you don't need to tell the whole world about your problems la..
just keep it to yourself and it will make everyone's life a better one..
you should think of the consequences for what you did right now..
and i know that you wouldn't even wanna care about all this..
now i know your true colours..
i shouldn't put my trust in you anymore cause i know that you might betray me one day (
sooner or later)..
Yes, you might be one of my close friend last time, but
NOT ANYMORE!i shouldn't have trusted you at the first place.. *sigh*sorry to be mean to you cause you're also being mean to your other friend..
today you might doing this to others, but someday, other people will do the same thing back to you..
always remember
"what goes around, comes around!"Anyway, only God will know who is right and who is wrong..
and i believe that one day, people will realise that you're the bad one..
no matter what happens, i'll always be beside of my the other friend
(you know who you are) and i'll support her no matter what happens, till the end..
and i wanna let my friend know that
'I LOVE YOU, "I"!! ' :-*
and sorry for causing you so many problems..
i know it's all my fault..
and i really hope that you would forgive me for everything..
SORRY once again! T___________T
Sunday, November 29, 2009
During this November school holidays, I spent most of my time sleeping, watching tv and reading a book that I’ve borrowed from my friend entitled
‘Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul- The Real Deal’..
I managed to read up the whole book and I find that those stories in the book were very interesting as all the writer share with us how things go in life..mainly about our daily life among our friends, family and so on..
In one of the chapters in the book, I really acknowledge what the writer wrote..the writer wrote this:
‘…….in life things don’t always go your way….’
‘…….i learned to stop worrying about what other people thought about me….’
‘…….who cares what others think of you? Just do what you want to do and believe in yourself, because you can get farther in life if you depend on yourself.’I can’t deny that during this past few weeks, I was damn worried about something and I was also worried about what other people would think about me because of what that fella said to the others..and suddenly those meaningful words which I’ve written above, appeared to me when im reading this book..i think God was trying to communicate with me at that time..because I was seriously feeling down at that moment and I really don’t know what I should do..
I’ve also ordered a booklet in titled
‘Our Daily Bread’ where most Christians have it nowadays..and I read it everyday according to the current date..i would like to share with you guys what I’ve read on the 28th of November..
‘The Proverbs have a lot to say about gossip: Those who gossip are untrustworthy (11:13) and should be avoided (20:19). Gossip separates the closest of friends (16:28) and keeps relational strife boiling (18:8). It pours fuel on the coals of conflict, feeding the flames of hurt and misunderstanding (26:21-22)’..
Yeah, those words are very true indeed! To those of you out there reading my blog now, here’s some advise that I want to share with you guys..
if you don’t want people to gossip about you, please don’t gossip about others..
Don’t try to be like other people when you’re NOT! Just be YOUSELF!3)
Believe in youself and be confident in all that you do..And
FAITH in GOD and yourself!!!
This is a battle….if you don’t want to lose, then
Thursday, November 19, 2009
17th November 2009 (Tuesday)Who’s birthday is it ah?
Say it loud, say it loud!
Yeah, you’re totally right, babe!
it’s my birthday.. hehe..=D
SWEET SIXTEEN la katakan.. =.=”
for me it’s actually
Im feeling as if im so old already la..aiyo! =/
Anyway, on this amazing day of mine, I went to school as usual..and I got my 1st hugged from
Joey (sister!) on my birthday.. =]
Love her so much le
(im not lying, it’s from the bottom of my heart) .. :-*
for your info, she’s one of my best-est friend.. =) she’ll always be by my side through thick and thin..thanks a lot yah, sis! ^^
nothing much happen in school cause we’re all busy chit-chatting and playing games among ourselves..hehe.. =P
after school, I went to Parade to celebrate my birthday with my close buddies
(Mary, Balbita, Joey, Michelle, Menuka, Stella, Christina)..not really celebrate actually..cause we go makan and
‘hang kai’ jek..we went to Kopitiam Junction and had our lunch there..after eating, we went walking in all kinds of shops..
(Map, Sky Max and bla bla bla)..i went home around 4.40pm..
i got so exausted and fell asleep after bathing..LOL.. xD
after waking up from my marvelous sleep, I went online.. =D
and yeah, I’ve actually counted how many birthday wishes I’ve got..and I got 54 birthday wishes all are their names:
1) Jia Joe
Jean (big sis!haha..) xD
3) Anith
4) Vincent
Michelle Sherin Ng (mammi!!) =D
Mary Ann Alphonce (another mammi..hehe) ^^
7) Theresa Lai
Balbita (love her!!!!) =]
10) Maslaily
11) Kak Siti (my elder godsis)
Heart you!) :-*
13) Dhaarsheny
14) Janice
15) Kiranjit
16) Reshween
17) Valerie
18) Huey Xian
19) Senandra
20) Zalila
21) James
22) Eddie (my gor) =D
Kuna (my beloved godsis) ^^
24) Puan Yus (class teacher) =]
25) Miss Loo (add maths teacher- last time) =>
26) Michelle Maxellendis Marie Monteiro a.k.a. Monty
27) Stella
28) Nicholas
29) Youdikha Joseph
30) Izni
31) Fareesha
32) Juen Lin
Brandon (my didi) =]
34) Vivian Cheah
35) Cutielish Jas
36) Kah Poh
37) Kartini
38) Theresa Loo Hun Fern
Mary Ann Lim
40) Christina Chim
41) Raeymie Mokhtar
42) Jazmine Khairul Anuar
43) Melenie
44) Vania Evam
45) Adrian Lau
46) Yean Yean
47) Puvilan
Sue May (irene) ^^
50) Arnold
51) Prisha
52) Mei Yan
53) Adrian Chan
54) Anisah
Thanks to those who wished me and thanks for all the presents that you all gave me..
I really love all the present that you all gave me..really appreciate it..
Thanks once again!~ =)

P/S: to those who's
'too smart' to
THINK that i'm desperate for presents, please just
SHUT UP and don't simply say stuff which is
the truth is, im
NOT DESPERATE at all for any gifts from anyone..i friend with you guys not because i want presents from you guys, cause all that matters to me is
Sunday, November 8, 2009
First and foremost, i would like to wish my BEST FRIEND, Menuka a very
Wheeeeeee!~ Actually i knew that she doesn't like pink and blue colour so i purposely bold the letters with those colours on it..kekeke.. =P i went to Jusco today at around 12pm..Menu was suppose to meet me in Jusco at 12.15pm but see see she reached at 12.30pm..Jahat punya Menu, make me walk alone in Jusco..if people kidnap me then how? la, just kidding..who wanna kidnap me anyway..LOL.. xD actually Joey and Sue May reached first geh..but im not sure what time they reached la..cause when i was busy walking, Joey suddenly messaged me and tell me that she's in the food court i go and find her la..then, came Maslaily and Menu..Menu reached kinda late cause she SESAT jalan! la.. xD *evil laugh* i told her that we are in the food court but she go and stand OUTSIDE the food court..mangkuk la she! LOL.. xD before that, she called me and ask me where am i and the best part is, she asked me 'naik one escalator only right?'..LOL..what kind of question is that?lol..Menu oh Menu..apa la lu..kakaka.. =P after that, me, Menu and Mas went to a cake shop (don't remember the cake shop's name) cause Menu wanted to buy a cake for her birthday..the cake was so delicious i tell you..YUMMY YUMMY!!!!! =D we ate in Pizza Hut and thanks a lot, Menu for belanja-ing us.. xD after makan we go walk walk..then we went to Capcom..we took some nice pictures there..
nice leh all those pictures? you know why it's nice? cause im in the picture la..too perasan liao..just kidding ya..kekeke.. xD by the way, we were suppose to watch the movie in titled 'PISAU CUKUR' but then no ticket liao cause we wanted to watch at 4pm de..haizzzzzz.... T__________T we went back home around tired leh cause i woke up at 8am in the morning and i don't have the chance to sleep in the afternoon.. T_______T eventhough i felt tired, i really really ENJOYED myself on this day.. =D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you once again! ^^
Saturday, November 7, 2009
KNAVES!What's wrong with guys nowadays?
Isit because of their immatured thinking or what?
They seem to trust the person who's lying most of the time just to get attention.. not joking..
and i don't understand, why must people blame others for the mistakes that they themselves did? why can't they just admit their own mistakes?
don't la go and blame others and pollute people's name in front of other people..
if let's say your close friend did the same thing to you by blamming you and pollute your name in front of other people, what would you feel?
you'll feel sad, angry and betrayed rite?
the same goes here..
can't you just be considerate a lil' ah?
you don't need to tell the whole world about your problems la..
just keep it to yourself and it will make everyone's life a better one..
you should think of the consequences for what you did right now..
and i know that you wouldn't even wanna care about all this..
now i know your true colours..
i shouldn't put my trust in you anymore cause i know that you might betray me one day (
sooner or later)..
Yes, you might be one of my close friend last time, but
NOT ANYMORE!i shouldn't have trusted you at the first place.. *sigh*sorry to be mean to you cause you're also being mean to your other friend..
today you might doing this to others, but someday, other people will do the same thing back to you..
always remember
"what goes around, comes around!"Anyway, only God will know who is right and who is wrong..
and i believe that one day, people will realise that you're the bad one..
no matter what happens, i'll always be beside of my the other friend
(you know who you are) and i'll support her no matter what happens, till the end..
and i wanna let my friend know that
'I LOVE YOU, "I"!! ' :-*
and sorry for causing you so many problems..
i know it's all my fault..
and i really hope that you would forgive me for everything..
SORRY once again! T___________T