Sunday, June 28, 2009
Yesterday was indeed a tired day..woke up around 5.20am to get ready for school..i was actually forced to school cause got moral exam which will take 20% of the marks to add in our August monthly test..swt.. =.=”
The moral paper was lik HELL! Dengan bangga-ly, I tembak almost the whole paper..kakakaka.. =P
After going home, I slept for a few hours then woke up at 5pm to get ready to church..the event in church yesterday, which is the Feast Day, was so cool and awesome le! And yeah, I was on duty as a warden..hehehe.. =)
So busy le yesterday..haizzzzz..but i really thank God that it did not rain yesterday night cause the mass was held outside the church (still in the church compound la)'s some pics that Jean took in church yesterday:

owh yea, Sue May told me that Adrian C. sesak, I sms-ed him and ask him ‘are you ok’ and all la..then he told me that he’s in the hospital..pity him la..nevermind Adrian, I’ll pray for you..get well soon okay! ^^
Actually, I was kinda sick also yesterday..i’m having flu and severe cough..but it’s NOT H1N1 please don’t salah anggap..
the mass was held from soon as I reached home, i bathed, eat my dinner and lastly, I went to bed and slept like a PIG..hahaha..
it was seriously tiring but i had lots of fun there.. =) hehehe..
Aiyah, tomorrow must go to school again..very lazy wanna go to school la..everytime also school, school, school.. *sigh* T______________T
Blogged @ 8:43 AM |

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
emo again..what else? =(
For nearly 16 years of living in this world, I’ve finally learned the real meaning of TRUST! i’ve been so stupid all this while, believing people who I should not believe..
I’ve also trusted people who doesn’t even trust and understand how I’s really hard for me to trust anyone starting from now onwards..the more I trust a person, the more hurt I’ll get..i just don’t understand why must people be so selfish and think for themselves and not for others..for me, trust is seriously important in my life cause without trust, we can’t get along in any relationship..don’t you think so?
I ‘m seriously sick of all this!! so fed up already la..why can’t you people try to understand how I feel ah.. it’s NOT because of jealousy or anything.. it’s because of your understanding towards me and how you actually treat me.. i’m really feeling down now.. i can’t talk to anyone about it because I don’t wanna make things bigger and cause any problem to my friends.. i just keep everyting to myself until the limit where I can’t stand it anymore so I decided to write about how I felt and all, here.. i seriously can’t take it la! This is not the first time kay.. i’ve been through all this stuff for so many times.. i kept trusting the wrong person..WHY?! arghhhhhh…I just hate myself for everything.. i hate myself for being so dumb! i hate people around me who doesn’t understand me! i hate people who love to act good in front of me and then backstab me from behind! i hate my life! Particularly, I hate everything! Life is so unfair!! The trust for me in the person has slowly gone off, day by day.. what can I do? You don’t know how I felt and I bet that you wouldn’t know that I cried silently whenever I think about you.. You just don’t understand and you will never understand how I actually felt.. *sigh*
what to do? This is my fate rite..
Somehow I just felt that I’m not being appreciated..what is the use of me, caring about other people when there’s no one appreciates it? It’s totally a waste of time!
i just hate it when you pretend to be good with me which is not sincere at all... I don’t need any sympathy from you.. I just want you to be yourself.. don’t treat me good for the sake of trying to make me happy or something.. I doesn’t want all this to happen and it’s not worth it.. I know that the truth will appear to me one day and it will hurt me even more.. so please be yourself and I’ll try to keep my distance away from you to prevent myself from getting more hurt than before..
And I can’t understand why must those ‘BIG MOUTHS’ talk and backstab other people when they have no topic to talk? They don’t have other better work to do izit? Can’t you people just keep your mouth shut and keep quiet ah? Study la! now is not the time for you people to talk this and that..what matters now is, STUDIES!!
Blogged @ 7:35 AM |

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Blogged @ 7:54 AM |

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Blogged @ 7:48 AM |

Friday, June 12, 2009
Owh yea, i just found out something..
it's actually Nick who belanja us bowling..
so gam thung le..
sorry for the technical error in my post before this..
Blogged @ 8:44 AM |

Thursday, June 11, 2009
it has truly been a long day..
went to JJ for a movie yesterday together with my sis, Jean, Nick, Francis, Philip and, my sis and Jean came early around 10.50am to buy tickets cause the tickets might finish if we didn’t come early to buy & Jean were praying hard so that there will still be tickets available for all of us to sit together (when we reached the counter, we only get to choose among the first 4 rows in front cause others full already I guess..can you just imagine the number of people we saw at the ticket counter..but we were lucky though)..finally, we managed to buy the tickets (THANK GOD! :] )..after buying those tickets, we went walking around JJ such as Popular, MPH and so on...after walking, we went to JJ’s food court and my sis bought a dessert called the ‘Ice Jelly’ was tremendously D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!! =P
then came nick..after makan-makan all, we went for walking again..Nick and my sis bought an ice-cream for themselves..i don’t wanna eat ice-cream cause I wanna ‘jien fei’ mah..hehehe.. xD
Actually I don’t really remember when Francis and Philip reaches JJ..i just remember that they reach when me, my sis, Jean and Nick were at the book fair near JJ’s main entrance..after that, we went to the cinema there and we bought some drinks while waiting for Rudy to come..and yeah, I saw Stephanie, Paveena, Puvilan and Kenny at the cinema there..haha.. =)
Me, my sis and Jean enter in the cinema first cause the guys were busy buying their popcorn and also their drinks and we were worried the movie had started.. J.E.S.S. enjoyed the movie but others we don’t know lah..the movie was kinda funny lah..
When the movie ends, Nick insist on staying till the end of the show cause he claims that there will be somemore of the show..LOL.. xD
But then, my sis was struggling cause she very ‘kap liu’ already lah..LOL..but she managed to tahan till everyone stood up..luckily sempat ar..if not ar…….i don’t know what will happen..hahahaha..
Next, we went to the bowling center..they belanja us for a game..actually we don’t wanna play want..but then, they paid for us first we thought they were just joking about it..tengok-tengok, they really meant it..we feel very paiseh leh.. T__T
But at the same time, we really appreciate what they did for us..thanks, guys!
Anyway, I can’t play bowling cause my hand was once fractured I hope you guys understand..owh yeah, I saw Maslaily too in the bowling center.. =)
We actually felt very awkward le..cause we weren’t that close so we just talk with Nick most of the time..hope they’ll understand..we also need time to adapt with you all mah..we couldn’t be ourselves in front of them cause we are not in our comfort zone..a lil’ nervous..Actually we wanted to talk with them but we felt kinda weird and we don’t have the guts to do it (cause we’re not exposed to this kind of condition before..LOL.. xD)..but then I think they also don’t really dare to come close to us..
RESULT= everyone in their own world..hahaha.. xD aiseh man!
I really hope that God will help all of us to overcome all of our fears and become who He wants us to be..
Actually after the movie, we thought of going home already cause we felt so sleepy as we slept very late at night the day before..but then, we don’t want to disappoint, we just follow..then they keep on asking us what’s our next plan which we don’t we just suggested what came through our mind at that time..
we wonder why everyone don’t wanna go home yet..and yet no plan for the it went from AWKWARD to SUPER AWKWARD!
Then I don’t know what happen liao..suddenly all the guys went to a side and they flip coin and taking out their wallet (guys, actually you all don’t have to belanja us cause we got our own money)..if our suggestion happen to give you all conflicts then we’re tremendously sorry because we don’t know what else to suggest..are you guys worrying that you all don’t have money to spent for yourselves or worrying about the money needed to belanja us? actually you all don’t have to belanja us cause we got our own money..we really mean it..sorry if there’s any misunderstanding..
and as a result, we went to Capcom Capcom it was kinda fun..Jean and my sis played shooting game where as I was just standing, looking at them playing cause I got no mood to play..the gun was heavy though..then we went walking around the place..after walking, we went in JJ’s supermarket to buy some drinks..After that, we went to meet them again but all of them were totally silent so we don’t dare to speak segan le...not only segan you know..VERY SEGAN!
Does guys always have long discussion?hmmm…I wonder..
Then we walked, talked, and did everything VERY SEGANLY..LOL…(can you just imagine how many nonsence things we’ve done and memalukan leh..XD)
Then everyone went and my sis teman Jean to Tesco cause we’re worried she’s walking alone..after a few minutes, me and my sis went back home..
when we reached home, I quickly went to the bathroom and bathed..after coming out from the bathroom, I sat with my sis in our room talking and out of a sudden, my mom came in the room and told us a BAD NEWS!
Our neighbour’s dog which were SUPER CLOSE with us, had died..both of them had been poisoned..where got such people so BAD one! T_______T
They were such GOOD dogs..the last time me and my sis went out with the dogs for a jog is the day before they we’re afraid of going jogging already..
Though we were very very sad, tears just couldn’t come out..words can’t explain how we really felt..
it has truly been a long day..
Blogged @ 7:59 AM |

Tagged by Sue May..
Tagged by Sue May..
1. Last beverage: sky juice..
2. Last phone call: today, 2.40pm (menuka).. =)
3. Last text message: today with theresa..
4. Last song you listened to: "Don't go away" by BY2..
5. Last time you cried: yesterday.. ='-(
6. Dated someone twice: haha..nopes..
7. Been cheated on: Kbox.. LOL.. xD
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: NO!! PLS LA..
9. Lost someone special: Yupe..
10. Been depressed: Yeap..Lots of times! i mean everytime! =(
11. Been drunk and threw up: i've been drunk before but i didn't threw up..
12. pink
13. blue
14. black
15. Made a new friend: Yeap..
16. Fallen out of love: it's P&C la..
17. Laughed until you cried: haha..Yes..
18. Met someone who changed you: currently none..
19. Found out who your true friends were: erm...maybe..
20. Found out someone was talking about you: DUHHHHH!!
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Ewwwww...NO!
22. How many people on your friends list do you know real in life: 37
23. How many kids do you want to have: Aiyo.........
24. Do you have any pets: Nope..
25. Do you want to change your name: Yeah!
26. What did you do for your last birthday: ermmm..i don't remember la..LOL
27. What time did you wake up today: 11.10am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Talking with my sis..
29. Name something you cannot wait for: hahax.. P&C leh..
30. Last time you saw your mother: Now lor..
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i could be a better person in life..
32. What are you listening to right now: Christian songs..
33. Have you talked to a person named Tom: Nope..
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: Errrrrrrrr....
35. Most visited webpage: Facebook..
36. What's your real name: Sharon??
37. Nicknames: Sha, Nadeilene, Shasha, Sharon..aiya..anything la..
38. Relationship status: Single but NOT AVAILABLE..LOL.. xD
39. Zodiac sign: Scorpio..
40. Male or female: Female..
41. Elementary: Marian Convent..
42. Middle school: SMC..
43. High school/college: Not yet reach the age where i have to go for high school/college..
44. Hair colour: black..
45. Long or short: Short..
46. Height: around 158++
47. Do you have a crush on someone: Hell, YEAH!
48. What do you like about yourself: i hate myself! hahaha..
49. Piercings: Yeap..
50. Tattoos: Nope..NEVER!
51. Righty or lefty: Lefty..
52. First surgery: errrrr...i didn't go for any surgery before..
53. First piercing: Uhmmm..when i was 9 years old i guess..
54. First best friend: Malar.. hehehe.. =)
55. First sport you join: running?once when i was in primary school la..
56. First vacation: don't remember..
57. first pair of trainers: Let me think 1st...
58. Eating: Nope..
59. Drinking: Nope..
60. I'm about to: Sleep..very sleepy leh..
61. Listening: Christian songs lor..
62. Waiting: Someone to online.. =P
63. Want kids: don't wanna think about it yet..
64. Get married: Maybe..or not i'll become a nun..LOL.. xD
65. Career: Forensic..
66. Lips or eyes: Lips..hehe..
67. Hugs or kisses: Anything la..
68. Shorter or taller: middle height..
69. Older or younger: same age?
70. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic.. xD
71. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both..
72. Sensitive or loud: sensitive..
73. Hook-up or relationship: Don't know leh..
74. Trouble maker or hesitant: Hesitant..
75. Kissed a stranger: NO! i don't kiss strangers..
76. Drank hard liquor: Yeap..
77. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope..
78. Sex on first date: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!
79. Broken someone's heart: No i guess..
80. Been arrested: Nope..
81. Turned someone down: No?
82. Cried when someone died: Yeah..
83. Fallen for a friend: Yupe..
84. Yourself: at times la..
85. Miracles: Yeap..
86. Love at first sight: Don't know..
87. Heaven: Yeap..
88. Santa Claus: errrrmmmm..........
89. Kiss on the first date: not really..
90. Angels: Yeap..
91. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: NO!!
92. Did you sing today: Yeah..hahax..
93. Ever cheated on somebody: wakakakakaka.. *evil laugh*
94. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: i wanna be a baby back.. =P
95. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be: During CF camp? =)
96. Are you afraid of falling in love: A lil'..
97. Posting this as 100 truths: No..not yet reach 100 also..
98. At the end, you need to choose 15 people to be tagged and list their names....
anyone wanna do then do la kay.. =)
Blogged @ 6:52 AM |

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
sad..sad.. =(
i feel like dying already la..
thought of lepak-ing in JJ with my friends but now.............................
only a few people can come.. T__T
i'm really really dissapointed la..
i seriously hope that i can enjoy with my other friends in JJ..
hope so ler..
i'm gonna pray like a mad person for our success in JJ tomorrow..
YEAH!! =)
see you guys tomorrow.. =P
Blogged @ 6:55 AM |

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
went lepak-ing with my sis and Jean in Parade today..
we went for karaoke at KBOX and it was tremendously fun!!
we sang for about 2 hour plus, NON STOP! =P
we even choose our favourite drink that were provided there..
there's some snacks and........yeah..that's it..
and i'm really broke now cause i've used all my money for the karaoke stuff.. T____T
so sad... sobxx.. sobxx.. ='-(
Blogged @ 7:55 AM |

Monday, June 1, 2009
got tagged by M-E-N-U-K-A.. =)
1. Do you have any secrets?
Duhh...obviously la..
2. Have you ever tried not eating anything for a few days?
*thank God im still alive!
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
not really..
but i do enjoy in school when there's some interesting event being held..
4. Coffee or more coffee?
yeiksss!!! i HATE coffee!!
5. Laughter or forever smiles?
errrrrr...i'll pick..............................
BOTH! hehe.. =)
6. Who is more important? Lover or best friends?
hmppph...sorry, no comment..i'll act according to the situation..
7. The person you like is already attached. what would you do?
who cares rite? i don't give a darn la!
8. What made you smile today?
hahaha..something which is *secret*.. xD
9. Angelic or devilish?
hahaha..don't know la..
10. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
i would probably in a relationship with my lover..hope so..LOL..*in my dreams*..haha..
11. Who are currently the most important people to you?
GOD!!!! i really really need HIM to be by my side..and no one else could replace His place..
12. What is the most important thing in life?
"love one another as I have loved you", says the Lord..
13. Are you single or attached?
im obviously single la..but im currently NOT AVAILABLE..LOL..
anyway, studies comes first rite? =D
14. What is your favourite colour?
Pink, blue..
15. What is your wish?
my wish ah? secret le..can't write here..sorry.. T__T
16. Have you ever wondered what would happen afterlife?
err..not really..
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
i'll try my best to forgive the person and forget about it..
18. Which do you prefer? spending time with family members or close people who understand you?
emmm..i'll pick both.. =D
19. what is your biggest regret of your life?
my BIGGEST regret of my life is to LOVE him!! =X
how dumb i could be to fall in love with him.. *sigh*
20. 5 people you're gonna tag
whoever wanna do, do la..i don't wanna force people to do this, yeah..
Blogged @ 9:11 AM |