Friday, March 27, 2009
remember to switch off the lights [28th March 2009] 8.30pm-9.30pm..SAVE THE EARTH! =)

Blogged @ 9:55 AM |

this incident happened a few days back in school..
when sejarah's period time..
En. Aziz was teaching something that concern about sistem barter..
so he said, 'Orang dahulu kala tak guna mata wang..diaorang guna sistem bater atau lebih dikenali sebagai sistem pertukaran barang'..
i was like 'Oh,ok'..
After that he gave us some examples for the sistem barter thinging..
one of it is:
'Saya ada PISANG..awak ada LEMBU'..
and i was like SUPER BLUR at that time..
me and Menu was laughing like HELL man!!
we laugh non-stop you know..
till En. Aziz say to us 'Kenapa? Ini betul' [his fav slogan]..LOL.. xD
suprisingly, no one laughs except me and Menu.. =.="
i guess everyone toke it in a positive way where as me and Menu took it in a 'DOUBLE-MINDED' way..kakakakaka..
so hilarious la..
by the way, I really can't believe that i got 93% for SEJARAH's March monthly test.. @_@
i last minute only take out the book and read which is 1 day before the test [at night]..
and i don't even pay attention in class when he's teaching..
i'll just do my add maths homework / talk / sleep / play / laugh [for no particular reason..and people might think that im mad which im not!]..LOL.. xD
and yeah, i got 1A for Chemistry also..
so happy le..
actually i didn't really study much..
just revise back all the exercises that Mr. Pereira gave.. [thanks alot,Mr. Pereira].. =)
i don't know what will happen to my Chemistry if i didn't go to his tuition..
i might fail then..NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! T____T
as '4 Cempaka-ians' know, our Chemistry teacher is a so called 'VERY HARDWORKING' teacher..
so.....................'ALL THE BEST TO YOU ALL'..muahahahaha.. *evil laugh*
Blogged @ 6:23 AM |

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Me and my family went to Perlis yesterday to visit my gor gor in university.. =D
Before reaching Perlis, we stopped at Tesco Mergong which is located in Alor Setar..
My 1st aim was to rush for the toilet and guess what? I was like WOW when I saw an air conditioner in the wonder the process went so well..very cooling until I also don’t want to come out already… COOL le..toilet also got air conditioner..hahahaha.. =P
do you guys know what is the function of the air conditioner in the toilet for?
…………….actually it is for the smell of ur business to menusuk other people’s nose!!! make sure it is fresh then baru ‘fanpi’ you think people want to smell ar??lol..the real function ar……you ownself think la..i think for me it is for my keselesaan and as a conclusion, it made my process went so well & comfortable..thank you so much, tesco mergong!!it was a wonderful experience and I reali appreciate it!!lol..[don’t get me NOT a person who never enter toilet]
hekhekhek!~ xD
aiya, tesco ipoh ar…
you oso should have one mah then I will go there everyday and also not to forget to bring my homework to do there..muahahahahaha…can jimat house aircond, they should on music also to melicinkan lagi the process & actually also to prevent other people from hearing the ‘unwanted sound’ sure you would agree too rite? lol..
Here’s a pic of it.. xD
Tesco Merbong got more nice stuff and more shops le compared to our Tesco Ipoh..
How good if Tesco Ipoh also like Tesco Merbong..then I’ll surely go there everyday geh..LOL..
after we reached Perlis, we straight away go and fetch my gor to go for lunch [mamam]..kekeke..and yeah, we ate at Pizza Hut..YUMMY!!YUMMY!!YUMMY!!
Then, we went to PADANG BESAR after eating..go shopping lor..or in other words go ‘kai kai’ lor..
Got nothing to buy also actually..haizzz… T____T
The only thing I like there is the big ‘PATRICK’ cute le..but can’t buy cause so expensive..sobxx..sobxx..PATRIIIIIIIIICCCCKKKKKKKKKK!!! =’-(
But, it’s okay..i don’t really mind geh.. =]
We went back to my gor’s Uni after an hour walking in Padang Besar..
Then we bought some FRIED MUSHROOM outside the Uni to bring back to Ipoh..
‘Jin jia ho chiak le’- in hokien version.. ‘hou hou sek’- in cantonese version.. ‘hen hao chi’- in mandarin version.. ‘sangat sedap’- in BM version.. ‘very delicious’- in English version..and in tamil version…………………….
Sorry,I don’t know! LOL..
Hahahahaha… xD
When we reached Ipoh, we stop by at McDonald’s Drive Thru [near Tesco] to ‘ta pao’ porridge for dinner..not feeling well so I need to eat porridge lo..pity me..haizzz… T____T
If not mistaken, I saw Serene,Aaron,Shaun and Simon there..but I can’t call them cause I was in the car..*sigh*
Here’s a pic of McDonald’s porridge >>>>>>

P/S: to........................................
you're FORGIVEN!!!!~~ ^_^
Blogged @ 7:54 AM |

Thursday, March 19, 2009
im also a human being WITH FEELINGS!!
YOU'RE DEADD!!!!!!!!
do you know how it feels when your friend talk rudely to you?
it surely hurts rite?
why can't you just understand how i feel?
you make me feel so sad and disappointed that i've believed you so far..
im really really disappointed with you..
i don't even know whether i can forgive you anot..
i've tried to forgive you,but i just can't..
Pls strengthen me O Lord,
Fill me with your love that i may love others and forgive others,
i really can't take it anymore,
i know that You have asked us to forgive others and to love others but i just can't forgive the fella this time,
i really don't know why,
Pls save me,O Lord.....
Blogged @ 9:20 AM |

Sunday, March 15, 2009
My hair .. =/
Yesterday I went to Sitiawan for my relative’s wedding celebration..
Before that, I went to a saloon to cut my hair..
I chose a nice fringe to be cut plus ‘Rihanna’s type of haircut’ but guess what happened to my ‘beloved fringe’?
Fringe+her skills+scissors=MUSHROOM!! Swt.. =.=”
AGRRRHHHHHHHHHHH!!! It’s totally a hair unnatural disaster!!! =/
I questioned myself whether she have licence to cut people’s hair or not..
Haizzz.. T_____T
But nevermind la..what to do?everything happens for a reason rite?
Kay..let’s talk about something happy.. :)
After that my cousin sis brought me, my sis and my mum to shop for shoes..
my mum bought for me and my sis a new high heel shoe..
Wheeeeeeeeeee!~~ =P
Blogged @ 6:49 AM |

Friday, March 13, 2009
13th March 2009
finally monthly test finish liao..=P
got back my modern maths test paper today..
i got 8_%..
i was super shocked when i saw my marks..
cause i did a last minute study which is one day before the test.. =.="
i believe that God have really blessed me with this good result..
i really thank God for that.. =D
but there's also something that really bother me alot today..
we sat for our physics test today..
and guess what?
i didn't finish answering the questions yet but teacher said 'masa sudah tamat'..
and i was like 'SHIT MAN'!! a really really BIG FAT SHIT!!
dah la i didn't draw the graph..
haizzz.. T____T
if i can pass this subject also i'll be very thankful already la..
7D pun jadi la..
i'm really really scared now..
all i can do now is, pray hard..
and the others i'll just lift it up to the Lord..
Blogged @ 5:08 AM |