Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I went to Good Shepherd Orphans with my sis and Jean for some kerja amal stuff..there’s only 8words that I can describe them as..F-R-I-E-N-D-L-Y..
They do respect us as a visitor..there I met Raymond, Isaac, Ruth, Mary, Christina and fun le play with them..i feel like going there again la..hehe..around 2.30pm, we arrive to Jusco for a movie [BOLT] with Nick, Jenny and her bro..we actually wanted to watch TWILLIGHT but all tickets were sold out so we decided to watch BOLT..btw, NO REGRETS watching Bolt..the movie ‘BOLT’ was so damn hilarious leh..teehee..=D
after watching the movie, we went for a short walk and we went back after that..I really hope that I could hang out with them again! Hees.. =)
Blogged @ 1:04 AM |

Monday, December 8, 2008
3rd-5th December 2008..
All I can say about the day was FUN!! FUN!! and FUN!!
I think most of my friends would know where I went during these school hols..
Teehee.. =P
I actually went to Genting Highlands for 3 days, 2 nights..
On the 1st day was awesome..
-there’s lotsa people there so I need to que-up for a long period just to play a game [outdoor + indoor]..swt =.=”
btw, something happened on this day that really made me angry and pist off..i was que-ing up to play 4D motion master [indoor]..then, came a group of teenagers (age around standard 5/6) and a couple from another country, who stands behind me..and guess what that made me angry?? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they CUT the que man..don’t tell me they can’t see me que-ing up infront of them..IM NOT THAT SMALL OK?! they think I would just leave them to cut the que..but unfortunately, I start teasing them..i start saying ‘you all didn’t learn moral in school wan arr’.. ‘can’t you all show some good impression to your own country’.. ‘MOU LEI MAO arr’.. ‘what the hack?!’..these and that..i think they heard me but they just act like they don’t know jek..Gam geh yan tou yau!! Kek sei yan!! =/ GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! I mean can’t they just show good impression to their own country? *sigh*
On the 2nd day leh, ok ok oni la..kinda boring ady..
-more people came to Genting compare to the 1st day..and yea..there’s something that really made me angry on this day too..the incident happened in the and my sis was que-ing up to play BUMPER CAR [indoor] around 12.45am..the que was so damn long man! So, we decided to que-up and wait patiently for our turn..but it end up NOTHING!! Around 12.53am, the worker came near us and said ‘ yg beratur sampai sini saja boleh main (stop in front of me)..sbb kita dh nk tutup la’..i was like “WHAT THE HACK la?! We wait here for so long ady and you say we cannot play cause you wanna close ady..i keep on asking myself why can’t the lady just let us to play for the last round?”..haizzz…nvm..just forget about it.. =/
On the 3rd day, i didn’t play much la..i just walk around to get some fresh air nia..something really shocked me this day..i saw Nick in Genting [outdoor]
So coincidence leh..GOSH!! hahax.. =]

Blogged @ 8:13 AM |

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Guess wat happened in church 2day?
some1 actually brought a "samurai sword" 2 church man..
quite a number of policeman came 2 church n take da feler away..
Gosh!! so scary!
i think da feler got some mental case prob cant blame him..haihh..
anyway, i still cant 4get da incident le..
Blogged @ 8:33 AM |