Monday, November 24, 2008

Blogged @ 8:16 AM |

Friday, November 21, 2008

Blogged @ 6:36 AM |

17 November 1993
The birth of a CUTE lil’ girl named Sharon, who really loves GOD! chewah!! perasannyer I..cute la’m kinda addicted to msn and friendster..I love to crap a lot..hahax..and I also love to bully my frens..wakakakaka..[evil laugh]..beware of ME!! lol..I think I should stop crapping’s time for me to be serious! lol.. ^_^ Kay..kay..ehem (clear throat)..
The first person to wish me was actually BALBITA!! [sharp at 12.00am]..Haha..then came my sis, Jean, N.C. and K.M. who wishes me..Menu and Theresa wishes me in the afternoon if im not mistaken..THANKS to everyone who wishes me yah~ =)
Me, my sis n Jean went out for a movie on the 18th of November..we watched a ghost movie in titled ‘THE COFFIN’ [based on reality]..the movie was not that scary la but there’s some part of the movie that shocked me..biasa la cinema watching the movie, Jean BELANJA us secret recipe cake le..SEDAPNYA!!! YUMMY!! ^_^
The cake was SUPER DUPER nice but….it’s damn EXPENSIVE man! 1 cake cost as much as RM6+..we bought 3 cakes with different flavous so it cost around RM20+ la.. *PHEW* swt.. =.=”

Unexpectedly, when my sis called my mum time, my mum told her that my mum have already bought a cake for me..and im like ‘WHHHHOOOOAAAAA!!!’’s a cappuccino cake actually..YUM YUM!!

Bayangkan 1 day I eat 4 different kind of nice le..haha..after finish shopping, we went to Jean’s house..Jean’s dog arr lick me geli also bake a butter cake..what? cake again!! Haha..I’m so happy le cuz I can go out with my sis and Jean..hope I can go out with Jean again..then we can buat gila..hehe.. =]
Blogged @ 6:32 AM |

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Blogged @ 9:56 AM |

Matthew 7 : 1,2

Blogged @ 7:19 AM |

i offer up my life

Blogged @ 7:09 AM |

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blogged @ 7:22 AM |

13 NOVEMBER 2008
Thought of not going 2 school today..[boleh dikatakan bercadang to ponteng sekolah la] no matter what, I have to go le cuz I need to give back Theresa’s pendrive and her CD..haih..if not, I wouldn’t have any initiative to go to school geh..boleh kira sebagai TERPAKSA go to school wan la.. =.=”
After recess, I terus go and find my sis.. then I din go back to my class already..cuz so sien leh stay in my own class do nothing..sien sai le.. *sigh* @_@
Anyway, I do have FUN playing with my sis and her friend, Jean.. =)
Me and my sis stayed in Jean’s class nearly the whole time in school today..
We played many different type of games such as snap, old maid, UNO, donkey, balance chair & etc..I even bought ‘french fries’ and I ate it in the class..haha..
Boring nothing to do so I curi-curi buy food and eat in class lo..hehe.. ^^
Motto : LIVE, LAUGH & LOVE one other. =]
-I give you a new command, ‘Love one another’. Just as I have loved you, so you should love one another.- [John 13: 34]
Something bad happened to me today..
I nearly got bang by a motorcycle man!! this incident happened to me after school, when I wanna naik bus time..When I was walking towards my bus, suddenly a motorcycle came from my left hand side and I was like ‘SHIT!’..i thought the motorcycle would bang me already cuz I was standing only 1 inch away from the motorcycle..THANK GOD I didn’t get any injury!! I knew that God have saved me this time..Not only this time but EVERYTIME! Whenever I face any difficulties, He is the one who always be there to safe me and protect me..THANK YOU, LORD!! THANK YOU!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!
-Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.- [Philippians 4: 6,7]
-I will love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies.- [Psalm 18]
Blogged @ 7:16 AM |

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
one true word
One True Word
“Lord, lead me in your truth.” [Psalm 25:5]
Ernest Hemingway once said that his goal as a novelist was to write just one true sentence. But sometimes the truth is not easy for us to face. And sometimes we hide from it like adults playing hide and seek with children: We know where they are hidden but we pretend for the sake of the game. So often in our dealings with others we hide from the truth and say: “I am not angry” or “That did not hurt me.”
Inside, we know the truth is different because it is betrayed in every shying eye and sharp-turned word. Relationships wither in the chill of lies like naked blossoms assaulted by first frost, and we are dishonest with others and ourselves and say nothing is the matter.
Written by, [Denis Robinson]
Blogged @ 6:32 AM |

12 NOVEMBER 2008
Something unexpected happened in skewl could I start da story? it goes..i was actually playing UNO cards with my friends..and then Pn. Poh came to my class and asked my help to take the broken and spoiled chairs to the syuen block there..daljeet was like ‘eh, quickly take the broom and pura-pura sapu lantai la..then teacher won’t ask us to carry those chairs’..[alaaa, biasa la kan..malas mah] unfortunately, we have not enough people to carry those old and ugly, daljeet was forced to carry one of the chairs cuz she don’t have any choice ady..first of all, before teacher say ‘bring the chairs to the syuen block ahh’, nobody would like to volunteer to carry those chairs..but as we heard those words coming out from teacher’s mouth, we fell so excited ady..especially MENUKA! we just tolong only la..anyway, it would not harm us rite if we help people..we can get ‘pahala’ somemore..haha..=]
We took our own sweet time walking towars the syuen we reached at the syuen block, we just campak the chair there la..and guess what we saw there????
We saw 2 secret place man! we was all LUCKY to see the both of the doors UNLOCK!! =P
Actually, we was all eager to know what’s in the room..So, Daljeet and Menu went inside the room without me..pity me la..they tinggalkan me alone outside..haihh..sobxx.. =’(
around 2 minutes later, Pn. Poh came towards me..i was telling to myself ‘sei lor..Daljeet and Menu haven’t come out yet..what to tell teacher ah if teacher ask me where those 2 fellows went’.. =.=
without thinking any longer, I stood out of the door and shouted ‘teacher coming wei’..Daljeet was the first person to run out of the room..and she nearly other words, she ‘flew with her wings’ think she thought that she’s a SUPERWOMAN kot..haha..just kidding ya, Daljeet..don’t take it seriously kay..[I knoe you won’t]..hehe.. =)
then, I asked Menu and Ai Nie to ask Pn. Poh whether we can enter the room anot la..[i don’t dare to ask teacher cuz I scared teacher scold me] was all shocked when teacher said ‘YES..go la’ was an unexpected answer from teacher le..^_^ so we went in lor cuz teacher allow us to go in wan mah....>_<
the room was the nun’s kitchen was kinda scary inside there..dark and quiet..without any light somemore..waaaaa…my bulu roma all naik ady lor..there’s a stairs in the room but teacher don’t allow us to go up there..dunno why le..what I can say is, the stairs is REALLY REALLY DARK!! Suddenly, I saw an indian girl standing outside of the door wearing black colour shirt, standing straight [like singing national anthem song only]..i thought she was a ‘GHOST’ cuz what I saw was just a girl with a black colour shirt on her, standing outside the door..i was like ‘wei, got people standing ourside the door la’..everyone got shocked when I told them that someone was standing outside the door..rupa-rupanya the girl was a Form 4 girl..if im not mistaken la.. swt.. =.=”
It was such an UNFORGETABLE day!!
Blogged @ 6:26 AM |

im getting annoyed by *EHEM EHEM*

Blogged @ 6:16 AM |

Saturday, November 8, 2008
We held our class party in our school we step or foot into our class, we quickly work 2gether as a team 2 arrange the soon as we arranged the tables, we sat on our own places..we start eating around 9.10am..for a start, we ate mushroom soup, candies, ‘float’, nugget, wedges n more..the ‘float’ was lik ‘HEAVEN’ man!!(with lots of ice-cream on it)..*SLLLRRRRPPPP!!!*..can u imagine it? YUMYUM!!
++++++++++++MUSHROOM SOUP+++++++++++++
lol..around 10.15am, the caterer came 2 send our food [nasi briyani].. but sad 2 say dat i DON’T lik 2 eat the nasi briyani’s I juz ate the chicken la..=]
Thank God dat there were other foods 4 me 2 eat! lol..there were also a secret recipe cake [chocolate+cheese] 4 us 2 was so damn DELICIOUS man! YUMMY!! YUMMY!! =)
++++++++++++SECRET RECIPE CAKE [before eating]++++++++++++
after eating, I start walking around da school with 3 of my close frens in order 2 take sum pictures of myself & 3 of them [my besties].. hehe.. ^_^
it was quite tiring but the moz important thing is, I’ve ENJOYED myself 2 the FULLEST! Lol.. :)
It was indeed a fun and enjoyable day!
Blogged @ 7:13 AM |

Monday, November 3, 2008
since so long ady I din update my blog, so I decided 2 update it usual, I went to Sunday skewl on the 2nd of November 08..den Mr.David told us dat the Pre-Confirmation camp was POSTPONED to NEXT YEAR [early of the month] lik ‘WHAT THE…..’,‘NOOOO!!!! It cant b lik diz’..and senandra was lik ‘YES!Gud!’..i admit la wen Mr.David told us dat da camp was postponed, I was SUPER PISSED OFF man..cuz suddenly dey say got camp, suddenly say cancelled liao den now say da camp gotta postponed 2 next year pulak..haizzz..T________T
i think I’ve putted 2 much hope in goin 4 the camp so I felt a bit disappointed lo..actually not a bit’s a lot!!! Nyway, i keep telling 2 myself that there’s surely a reason why God make this plan 4 us..n yeah..i manage 2 cool myself down.. =]
Blogged @ 6:43 AM |